NostalgiaCraft Wiki

Mods and Cheats

Allowed Mods

NostalgiaCraft is a vanilla gameplay server, so we are fairly lenient on what types of mods you are allowed to use. Among the approved mods are:

  • Client Performance Improvement Modifications: Modifications which simply seek to improve the performance of the Minecraft client without making changes to the game itself, such as Optifine.
  • Aesthetic Modifications: Modifications which change only the look and feel of the game without modifying gameplay, such as standard shader modifications or resource packs. These must not change the properties of blocks (e.g. make non-transparent blocks transparent) or change the player’s perspective (e.g. allowing them to see features they normally wouldn’t be able to).
  • Cosmetic Modifications: Modifications which alter the look and feel of the in-game head-up display (HUD) without adding extra information which would normally be unavailable to the player are allowed, such as armor durability, status effects, and fullbright.

Blacklisted Mods

Modifications that alter the way your Minecraft client interacts and communicates with our server are not allowed. Unusual keybinds and macros are not supported. Please check that any modifications used are strictly client side only, and don’t change the behavior of the game. An exploit, cheat, or unfair advantage is considered something that abuses the Minecraft protocol/mechanics/code to gain an unfair advantage. Interpretation of these rules are subject to the staff’s discretion.

Disallowed mods include but are not limited to:

  • all movement hacks
  • seedcrackers
  • easyplace, or anything else which places blocks in illegal ways
  • freecam (including replay mode if it is used to gain information)
  • anything which rearranges your inventory while moving (autototem, elytra swapper, etc.)
  • entity radar/ESP
  • baritone, or other bot programs

Mods Categorized “Use at Own Risk”

  • Autoclickers: This section only includes AFK autoclickers and other automation tools used during AFK sessions for farms, etc. Most may send malicious packets to the server and cause you to be banned for other hacks. You accept any consequences that are a result of AFK autoclicking. If you accidentally misuse an autoclicker and get banned by Overwatch, we are not responsible.
  • Mini-maps: We are able to detect usage of such mods, and generally we will not do anything about them. This version of Xaero’s is recommended. Finding bases is not allowed with mini-maps. Additionally, using mini-maps in The End to gain an advantage is strictly prohibited.
  • Autoreconnect Mods: Discouraged, because it may spam other players in chat. Overwatch may also see you as a bot, and potentially will be banned. If you get kicked and are not able to rejoin the server, your client will repeatedly ping the server over and over, nonstop, spamming the console. Effectively, this is a bot/DDoS attack. This is why bans relating to auto-reconnect are not appealable.