NostalgiaCraft Wiki

Graylisted Areas


NostalgiaCraft is a public server, and is not whitelisted. However, to protect and encourage spawn building and a thriving economy, we have a system called a graylist.

Non-graylisted players cannot break or interact with blocks in the graylist zone. Players with graylist status are not affected by these restrictions.

Graylist Rules

  • There is no mining allowed in the graylist; the zone is purely for building purposes (mining tunnels decrease the FPS of others).
  • There is no block spam or towering allowed in the graylist zone, we want to keep terrain easy to terraform for those who want to build.
  • Please do not leave trees floating.
  • Please do not keep your pets in the graylist zone (causes FPS lag).
  • Please keep item frame usage to a minimum (causes FPS lag).
  • PvP in the graylist zone must be consented to by all players involved and is only allowed in the arena at spawn.
  • Stealing is not allowed in the graylist zone (but neither is storing valuable items).
  • All activity within the graylist is logged by CoreProtect (and able to be viewed by staff).
  • Shops have the individual ability and discretion to set fair and equitable rules and guidelines for items sold (such as limits, etc.), and all graylisted players must follow these when interacting with such shops. This will be enforced on a case-by-case basis at the determination of staff.
  • Shops cannot impose rules on specific individuals; all restrictions must be equitable and apply to everyone. Additionally, all rules must be reasonably enforceable, determined on a case-by-case basis by staff.

When graylist rules are broken, the offending player will have their graylist status revoked and may also be subject to a ban, at the determination upon staff investigation. The player who vouched for the offending player will be subject to a 2-week suspension of their own graylist status. Typically, other penalties are evaluated on a case-by-case basis with staff discretion.

Graylisted Areas

The following zones are graylisted:

  • Overworld spawn, 700 block radius from X0, Y0 (Map)
  • Nether hub, 150 block radius from X0, Y0
  • The End, 300 block radius from X0, Y0 (All players can fight the dragon and use endermen farms normally)
  • The path to the community end portal from spawn and the end portal room

Graylist Application Requirements

  • 3 days of total server playtime (you can check using /playtime)
  • Someone with graylist status has to vouch for you (they must not have recently been accepted for graylist status within the last 2 weeks, and must be added to the ticket with /add @DiscordUsername)
  • A well-written application that follows our community values
  • Must be verified in the Discord with a linked MC account (@Verified role)

If you meet these requirements, simply open a ticket in the Discord and click on the graylist application category. The person vouching for you must also open a “Graylist Vouch” ticket separately.

Graylist Application Secret Code

Now that you’ve completely read through the NostalgiaCraft graylist rule section and all the other rules on the server, you are able to apply for graylist! We wish you the best of luck with your application. The answer to the last question of the application is "community".